On Climate Change

Juan Villela

Climate change is no longer a distant, abstract threat. It’s here, it’s now, and it’s personal. The severe weather changes experts predicted for many years are occurring before us, not in some distant future.

Vermont—once considered a climate haven—has been hit by a series of extreme weather events this year. A hot January, a late-May frost that wiped out over half of the state’s apple harvest, and intense flooding. The state that was supposed to be safe from climate change is now grappling with its harsh realities.

And it’s not just Vermont. Across the globe, we’re seeing the effects of climate change. Heatwaves in Phoenix, wildfires in Canada, floods in the Northeast, and even the potential loss of sea ice in Antarctica. These are not isolated incidents. They’re part of a larger, more disturbing pattern.

The truth is, we’ve inherited a world on the brink of climate collapse. And the people who handed us this ticking time bomb? They’re still in power, making decisions that will affect our future. They’ve known about the dangers of climate change for decades, yet they’ve done little to stop it.

But let’s be clear: this isn’t about pointing fingers or laying blame. It’s about acknowledging the reality of our situation. It’s about understanding that the decisions made by previous generations have set us on a path that we can’t easily deviate from.

So, what does the future look like? It’s uncertain. But one thing is clear: climate change will shape our lives in ways we can’t fully predict. It will affect where we live, how we work, and even how we interact with each other.

But here’s the thing: we’re not powerless. We can’t reverse the damage that’s been done, but we can mitigate its effects. We can push for policies that prioritize the environment. We can hold our leaders accountable. And most importantly, we can adapt.

One way we can adapt is through remote work. The rise of remote work has untethered us from physical offices, allowing us to live and work from anywhere. This mobility could be a game-changer in the face of climate change. It could enable us to move away from areas prone to climate disasters and towards more climate-resilient regions. It could also reduce carbon emissions by cutting down on daily commutes.

Climate change is our reality. It’s the world we’ve inherited. But it doesn’t have to define our future. We have the power to shape that future, to create a sustainable and resilient world. But let’s not kid ourselves. The path ahead is steep and fraught with challenges. The damage done is significant, and the effects of climate change are already being felt.

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